Texture Analysis SolutionsDeli Meat Firmness
- Objective comparative measurement process developed to quality check production consistency of mouthfeel of restructured poultry products
- Repeatable, quick and reproducible test method applicable in any manufacturing plant using a software-controlled texture analyzer
- Industry-standard Kramer fixture to compress and shear a homogenous sliced serving
- Quantified hardness texture correlated to the ideal acceptable quality tolerance for the tenderness of the meat
Measuring the difference in texture between two restructured deli meat products.
A processor of restructured deli meats had one of their plants that was not producing same texture of product as the other plant. Through their sensory testing, they could note a difference in the texture of the meats, however, they needed a consistent, repeatable and quantifiable way to measure and prove the difference.
The software-controlled texture analyzer with a 2500N load cell and CS-1 Kramer Shear Test Cell was used to perform this test. When comparing Product A and Product B, it is imperative that the sample sizes be the same on both to obtain accurate readings. We took 10 slices for our sample size. Next, with a square shaped “cookie cutter” measuring 2.6 sq.in. X 2.6 sq.in, (the same size as the inside of the test cell box), we cut the 10 slices of meat into a perfect square. Next, we placed the square shaped pile of meat slices into the test cell box. The test was set to run all the way through the product then return to zero. The graph to the right shows 3 curves from both Products A and B. The graph indicates Product B was a firmer product reaching higher forces on the graph than Product A. Where the arrows are pointing (jagged lines) indicate the shear blades shearing through the meat. The downward slope indicates the blades retracting from the product.
This shear test method with the texture analyzer proves to detect a difference between the two products and provides a repeatable, quantitative way to measure the difference.